Tag Archives: coronavirus

What to do in the Smokies During the Coronavirus

Updated April 23, 2020 While things aren’t completely “back to normal,” it does seem we’re starting to emerge from a bit of a fog. We’re happy to say that the Smokies is starting to reopen, welcoming guests back as soon as April 24 in state parks and May 1 for many businesses. Rest assured, restaurants, shops, and attractions that do open will be following stricter guidelines, ensuring guests can still practice social distancing in a new way while out. Whether you already have your trip planned or are deciding when to come, you want to know the best way to

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COVID-19 Updates for YOU

Welcome Back! At Cabins for YOU, our guests mean everything to us. We understand that there is a ton of information being released over the status of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), with new information being presented by the hour. We understand you probably have questions concerning Cabins for YOU and how your reservation will be handled moving forward.  Our Commitment to YOU We look forward to hosting your reservation and are excited to say that the Smokies is beginning to open back up – including the Great Smoky Mountains National Park on May 9! We want to assure you that safety is

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